Monday, February 22, 2010

Back by popular demand..

Did you guys miss me?

Ok so between all the snow and Valentines day chocolates I may have slighly been thrown off my diet. Still no meat/dairy but add a lot of alcohol and sweets! Brad got me lindor truffles for Valentines day- yum. And they're not gone yet!
Also, I've really been craving beer lately! The last few weekend I've had a few blue moons. I can't be doing that because beer instantly puts weight on me. So I'm asking if anyone out there has a good low cal alcoholic drink. I don't drink soda since I've read its really nothing you should put in your body and it can make your ass lumpy! lol I'm serious. Once I read that I swore off all soda. So I need a soda-less low cal drink. My usual go-to's are ofcourse wine (did I even have to type that) and bloody marys. Sometimes I'll have a vodka and crystal light. Any suggestions?
So today I signed up for 2x a week kickboxing classes. Let me just say if these classes don't kill me first then I think I'll be in great shape for summer. I stayed at work tonight till 6 and went to a 6:30 class. Oh man, it was tough for a Monday workout. And since I didn't eat dinner before I went I felt a little pukish. But I thought it would be even worse on a full belly. If anyone is interested in taking a class let me know. They are pricey, but I can tell this will work. It's also super fun to just wail out on a punching bag. This was my treat to myself with my pending tax return money. All the girls in the class are super tiny so it must do something!
Anyway, I will try to update this more.
I need to find some quick easy vegan dinners to make. I hope to make it to the grocery store/trader joes this weekend so hopefully I'll have an update for you on what I decided to make.

Make it a good one!

Thursday, February 4, 2010

2 things

1. do NOT buy the "simply asia" miso soup. Gross! Stick with the other brand at Target, I think its called Annie Chungs, and it comes in an off white squarish bowl

2. Found this website and thought it was pretty cool People giving away / trading every day things instead of throwing them away.

It's been a long week. Will blog more this weekend. Night all.