Wednesday, March 30, 2011


So I realized the diet doesn't need a "name", it's diet life.. a way of life! So far this week I'm feeling GREAT. Lots of fruits, veggies, greek yogurt and cottage cheese. I haven't even felt like gorging on this diet because I love all the food I'm eating. When you eat good, you feel good! And I decided instead of going buck wild on the weekends because it's the weekend I'm going to have 1 cheat meal, 1 treat. And of course that cheat meal will be a sushi dinner out. I used to snack constantly because for some reason I thought the weekends just didn't count! It was my excuse to pick up anything in sight and EAT it! I realized I need to make a more conscious effort of everything I eat, no matter what day or time. I know in the long run this is going to pay off. Feelin better already :)

Sunday, March 27, 2011

The corny diet :)

I had a few "aha" moments this week. I also had a few minor freak outs! Most revolved around my diet. For the last 4 weeks I was trying the 4 hour body diet- a slow carb diet. I lost 4 pounds in the first week and never lost anymore along the way. (Why does the number 4 keep popping up? I need to play the lottery). By the end of last week I did not want to look at BEANS anymore! I didn't feel the diet was working for me. I also felt like I was eating a lot more than I usually would, and I really missed fruit! Someone that also will not be mentioned is currently doing a high fat diet- very similar to Atkins. That means full fat mayos, dressings, cheeses, etc. I haven't had full fat mayo in years. I tried it for 1 day and my stomach totally rejected it! Yes, with anything you have to give it a fair chance, but I realized I need to stop! breathe! and listen to my body! I've done Atkins before, and I lost a lot of weight, but that's when I had a lot of weight to lose. I also don't remember feeling very healthy while doing it- eating eggs, bacon, cheese, pepperoni. I pretty much felt gross but weight was melting off! Thinking back, when I felt the best, was when I first got out of college. I was hitting the gym 5-6 days a week, and eating what I knew I should be eating. I was in the best shape of my life so far. Think about it- we all know what we "should" eat. If we're making excuses of why we should be eating something, we shouldn't be eating it! So, this week I start with doing the "Lorian" diet (corny I know, but I haven't put a lot of thought in the name). I went out yesterday and bought wheat bread (gasp, carbs!) watermelon, strawberries, pineapples, grapes, apples, greek yogurt, veggies, tuna, chicken, etc. I'm going to go back to eating what I feel is what I should be eating, and hitting the gym harder- no more excuses! I hope I get back to the shape I was before, but what I realized is there is no "quick fix"! Any diet where I feel I have to deprive myself eventually has an end date and usually has a freak out moment. I have a bunch of different people in my life that are putting unneeded stress on me. I need to block them out and put the emphasis on me! (Easier said than done but I'm working on it!)

Thursday, March 17, 2011

4HB Week 3

I'm on my third week of 4hb but I thought I would treat it like my first week. My first and second week were full of 4hb diet disasters: hormones like crazy, bloating, too many almonds, not eating until atleast 2 hrs after I woke up, and not drinking enough water.

I was disappointed when I stepped on the scale this morning, after doing everything I thought was right this week, I didn't show a huge improvement. I'm still stuck at my original 4 lb loss (from week 1!). After a little bit of a freak out, and thinking I'm done with the diet, here are the things I think I'm *still* doing wrong... Please comment if you have advice!

1. Still not drinking enough water.
2. Eating TOO much. I really stuff myself at each meal. I've never liked the feeling of being hungry.
Sample meals:
-1 egg + 3 egg whites
-3 scoops spinach
-3 scoops of a mixture of rotel and black beans
-3 pcs of turkey bacon
-either an entire chipotle bowl (beans, chicken, lettuce, salsa, guac)
-1/2 lb of ground chicken plus black beans, rotel, lettuce
2nd Lunch:
- mug or mug and a half of chicken and bean soup
-Either a repeat of breakfast or a salad, minus the beans
3. cheating too much on cheat day.
-I've never really eaten badly, just again probably ate too much. I have this need to stuff my face till I feel like like I'm going to puke on cheat day. Most likely this isn't needed. This week I'm going to try to make smart choices, and not just have a free for all. Maybe limit to 1 dessert?? I feel like if it's too good to be true, it probably is!
4. Haven't done cheat day right
-I wasn't drinking enough water on cheat day, or doing the jump squats. This I will try this week.

So, I'm going to give it a few more weeks. I read on another post someone tried doing a cheat day every other week and noticed instant results. I just can't believe with all the changes I have made I'm not dropping weight like crazy (no chocolate!!).

Anyway wish me luck.. and Thanks for the support! Open for all suggestions!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

First week of 4hb

So, after my constant quest for skinny-ness, I am trying the 4 hour body diet. Today is day 5. Here is my recap so far, along with my thoughts/FEARS.

day 1- I "pigged out" this weekend knowing I was going to start a strict diet, so it was hard to get down my first meal. I was still full from my binge this weekend. The first day I noticed I had to remind myself to eat. First meal was scrambled eggs and beans, and turkey bacon. Second meal was a chipotle bowl. Third meal was a bowl of soup that I had to force down. And the forth meal was some chicken and veggies.

day 2-5 were tough. I don't know if its the pressure at work, or just a week of hormones, but I've been hungry! Snacking on almonds between meals and SCARFING down my meals at the 4 hour mark. The other hard part, is relying on eating w/ my coworkers at lunch. If it gets pushed back an hour, that means my dinner is being pushed back. So far as late as 10 and 11 this week! One thing I have noticed is how much and how often I'm used to eating!

This was my pre 4hb diet.. no lie!

breakfast: oatmeal and rasins
about 2 hours later: nutrigrain or protein bar
lunch: lean cusine & a bag of baked chips
snack: 100 calorie cookies or protein bar
snack when I got home while making dinner- something random
dinner-- usually eggs and toast or peanut butter and jelly or sometimes both.
what this adds up = a bunch of crap!!!

What I've been eating now:
breakfast: scrambled eggs and egg whites, black beans, spinach, tomatoes, and turkey bacon or sausage
lunch: chiptole bowl, or my own bowl: chicken, lettuce, beans, tomatos, peppers
2nd lunch: chicken "no tortilla" soup
dinner: either some more eggs scrambled or some more soup plus some baked veggies

So far, I feel ok. Again like I said this week has been rough since I've put a lot of pressure on myself. I noticed I need to drink more water. I also think I maybe should even increase my first or second meal because I've been hungry.

From Monday to Friday morning I've lost 4 lbs!!! That should be motivation in enough to keep going. However, here are my fears... I did Atkins before, a pretty similar diet.. I was losing 5 lbs a week. I was constantly hungry, and even cried when I just wanted chocolate! I lost 30 lbs, and felt fabulous! But then I slowly added carbs back, and gained all the weight back!! I feel like I'm missing my "go to's" of 100 calorie packs, nutrigrain bars, and protein bars.. and wonder if I'll be able to resist. I don't want to lose this weight to gain it back.

... I guess.. I'm just... nervous....

Sunday, January 30, 2011

My life resolutions...

So I realized today I need to get my life together. I took a new career this year which has had it's pro's and cons. I've had to take a step back to be able to take a step forward again. I really need to just knock any negative thoughts about my career change out of my head and simply think of it in this way.

Some of my LIFE resolutions...

1. I need to plan more. Plan my meals. Plan my evenings. Plan my workouts. Plan ME time.
2. I need to say NO more. Put myself first. I realized I hate leaving the house Friday nights. I like coming home, getting wine, and relaxing. No dressing up, no running out the door. Again- this relates back to me time.
3. I need to say THANK YOU more, along with I love you, and I appreciate you.
4. I need to stop working so much, and leave work at work. Again this goes back to the planning. Plan what I need to get done in a day, week, etc. and move on. Right now I think work should just be income for the rest of your life and no more.
5. Budget. I need to erase my debts.
6. Live more simply. Sell my unneeded things on ebay.
7. Run more. Work out more. Take yoga. Take Zumba.
8. Stress less. Breathe in, breathe out, and move on.

...more to come... I encourage you to make your own lists!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My Bucket List

I've been thinking lately, I need to make a bucket list. A reasonable bucket list. Something to live for. What would be on YOUR bucket list?

-Visit Italy
-Gamble in Vegas
-Have a glass of wine in napa valley
-Run the broad street run
-Walk down the beach in a bikini with no cover up!

More to add and hopefully cross off too!

Sunday, January 2, 2011

New Years 2011

Happy New Year all!

Resolutions for 2011:
-Run the broad street run
-get down to my goal weight of XXX
(about 25 lb weight loss)
-get out of credit card debt
-organize my life.

What are your resolutions for 2011?

I made 10 for 2010 and I kept 4. Hopefully this year I can actually keep the ones I make.

I'm ready for my biggest loser weight loss challenge vs. my sister. We weigh in tomorrow, and it's a 9 week competition. I feel so much better when I'm eating right, working out, and my jeans are not cutting off circulation.

Here to 2011!