Sunday, January 30, 2011

My life resolutions...

So I realized today I need to get my life together. I took a new career this year which has had it's pro's and cons. I've had to take a step back to be able to take a step forward again. I really need to just knock any negative thoughts about my career change out of my head and simply think of it in this way.

Some of my LIFE resolutions...

1. I need to plan more. Plan my meals. Plan my evenings. Plan my workouts. Plan ME time.
2. I need to say NO more. Put myself first. I realized I hate leaving the house Friday nights. I like coming home, getting wine, and relaxing. No dressing up, no running out the door. Again- this relates back to me time.
3. I need to say THANK YOU more, along with I love you, and I appreciate you.
4. I need to stop working so much, and leave work at work. Again this goes back to the planning. Plan what I need to get done in a day, week, etc. and move on. Right now I think work should just be income for the rest of your life and no more.
5. Budget. I need to erase my debts.
6. Live more simply. Sell my unneeded things on ebay.
7. Run more. Work out more. Take yoga. Take Zumba.
8. Stress less. Breathe in, breathe out, and move on.

...more to come... I encourage you to make your own lists!

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