Monday, May 31, 2010

Damn you, wii fit

After stepping on my wii fit this weekend and it telling me I went from "normal" to "overweight" I decided enough is enough and I need to get serious. I keep making excuses that I'm too tired or too tired from work to work out. And I always find excuses of why I need to eat junk. I did well this weekend except for my mom's homemade potato salad, pasta salad, and homemade strawberry shortcake trifle. Oh well, it was a Holiday and tomorrow is a new day.

I tried a new work out today of sprinting on the treadmill for 20 seconds, stepping off for 20 seconds, and going back to 20 seconds of sprinting. It made the time go by a lot faster, and was a nice change to just a standard run on a treadmill. I'm going to try to do this a few times a week.

I still need to try out delran amerikick. I really really like Marlton, and all the people there, however I can't keep driving 30 mins when there's a gym down the street from me. I just need to get over my fear and GO. (by the way if anyone wants to try it out with me, let me know : P )

anyway.. so maybe my new years pledge to myself has yet to work.. maybe my Memorial Day pledge will...

7 Ways to Look Like a Bikini Model - MSN Health & Fitness - Fitness

7 Ways to Look Like a Bikini Model - MSN Health & Fitness - Fitness