Saturday, January 30, 2010

I feel inspired!

So Just a quick post but I love how I'm inspiring people to eat better and work out! I know I'm a faux vegan (Still eat fish), but just the fact that people are actually changing their diets really makes me so proud! Even if you could just give up chicken, beef, greasy fast food.. every little step counts! And I've inspired others to try Jillian Michaels (The best workouts ever).. so I'm feeling great!
Just got done Jillian Michael's "No more Trouble zones", going to have some carrots and hummus, and then off for some much needed shopping with the boyfriend..
I'm still waiting for my body to turn around. I feel I haven't lost pounds since I went faux vegan, but I do just feel much better all over, and I feel my hair and skin look better also.. now if I could just lose the thighs!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!! :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

yummy miso soup

Ok, so I've been super boring lately, but it's Monday and I'm tired, but I wanted to share a new exciting find of mine. At Target it their ethnic foods aisle they have vegan miso soup for about $2.00. It comes in a little microwavable bowl, and you just need to add the water and heat. It was pretty good and an exciting find for me!!
Also, my favorite thing lately is homemade pizzas (Cheeseless). It's amazing how good a pizza can be without the cheese! From Trader Joe's you can buy flatbreads seasoned with olive oil and sea salt.. and I just add some marinara sauce ( again Trader Joe's has a great marinara sauce) and some pizza seasoning and garlic powder and pop it in the toaster oven. delish!
I was proud of myself today for still making it to the gym even though I stayed at work late, and ran/walked on the treadmill for 50 mins. When you're feelin flabby, nothing is better than a good run and sweat!
OOH! Last good find: Vanilla Chai Tea bags at Target. Delish! My new favorite thing to have as dessert.
Ok, since I gave out so many good tips, I can call it quits. Night all!

workout: 50 mins walk/run
stomach: feeling good! ( finally after the stomach bug!)
mood: tired
alochol: none!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

7 Delicious Vegan Recipes

7 Delicious Vegan Recipes

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Time to get back to reality

So I haven't blogged ( or worked out ) in a few days bc I have some sort of stomach bug. Its not fun, and has kept me close to my house at all times.. lol.. and thats all I want to say about that. You would think after a little over 24 hrs of this I would be feeling thin but I'm def not!
I hope to get in a good workout tomorrow when I hope to be fully recovered.
Anyway I stumbled upon this sit on msn and thought I'd share (next blog)
Again I would like to make some vegan friends!!

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

did someone say cresent rolls?

I did not work out tonight and I feel like the pillsbury doughboy. Let this be a lesson to me for the next time I'm feeling lazy.

Also, I need some ideas on QUICK veg dinners. I made rice/bean/salsa burritos the last 2 nights but they sit a little heavy in my stomach.

.. packing my gym bag for tomorrow

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

oh so tired

Ok, so I'm too tired to blog today..
But I was proud that even though I was very tired I still hit up the eliptical for 40 mins and the treadmill for 20 mins.
And my body is still screaming from jillian michaels yesterday.
Tomorrow I hope to repeat the Jillian Michaels dvd.

Does anyone watch the biggest loser? I really hate the red team. The wife is eeeevil. I think Jillian Michaels is going to kick her butt next episode.

Night all

Monday, January 18, 2010

From the Dr. Oz Website: Black Bean Brownies

Jillian Michaels

Hi All,

Happy MLK day.

Today I woke up and did Jillian Michael's "No more trouble zone's". Shout out to Ashley to turning me on to Jillian Michael's dvds. It definately doesn't get any easier evey time I do her workouts. They are intense, and I'm always crying out in pain. Brad made a good point today that 'if they're such tough workouts, why don't you just do that everyday?' So I think I'm going to try to do that atleast twice a week. They say you shouldn't repeat your workouts or your body will stop responding to it. Also, I like going to the gym and getting out for awhile. It's my 'me' time. So I think I'm going to try to mix up the dvd workouts with cardio at the gym. I'll let you know my progress.
I jumped on the wii fit this morning because my scale needs batteries and according to the wii fit I'm the EXACT weight I was 188 days ago. Atleast I'm consistent.
I splurged a little tonight with a glass of red wine and a rice cake and peanut butter. I feel fuller than usual... but not much harm done.
I wish I had off every day.. to get a nice work out in, in the morning (etum, early afternoon), and to have my evenings free... but that ain't happenin.
Also, on Saturday I started a Jillian Michael's detox cleanse. They're pills you take in the morning and evening to 'jump start' your weight loss, by detoxifying your body. I'll let you know if see any difference with that (Another reason why I should have skipped the red wine tonight).
Anyway time to get ready for bed. Atleast it's a short week for me. Biggest Loser on tomorrow night! yay.

Night night all :)

Mood: tired
Diet today: normal except for the slip up with the red wine
exercise: 1 hr jillian michael's dvd
alcohol: 1 glass red wine
stomach: full / but not upset

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Good Finds vs. Bad Finds

Just a few thoughts on good places to eat vs. Bad places to eat for a vegetarian/vegan

my #1 good place to eat: Panera
-you can always find something fresh
my picks:
Veggie sandwhich w/out the feta.. the bread is awesome, and its made with a red pepper hummus, yum!
Veggie soup w/ pesto= delish!
Creamy tomato soup (for vegetarians, not vegan).. this is really good, and filling
#2 Sushi
whether your a vegetarian or vegan, you can always create a yummy roll
get it with brown rice and it tastes even better and is healthier
My picks: Mikado in Mooorestown, the shop rite in Mt. Laurel, and actually the sushi to go place in the cherry hill mall food court.. they roll it right in front of you.
#3 pei wei
Many vegetarian options with tofu and brown rice.. delish!
#4 grocery stores
Trader Joes, whole foods, wegmans, shop rite and Target
Even target carries a bunch of the morningstar products, and they're cheap there
Trader Joes is a vegetarian/vegan heaven. I go once a month and stock up. And they're cheap!

Stay away from:
1. TGIFridays
I could barely find anything to eat there, everything is loaded with either chicken or cheese
2. The Tropicana
After spending a night there drinking and just wanting to get a bite to eat before heading home, I could not find ANYTHING unless I wanted to eat lettuce. Very disappointing. I was ready to eat at hooters in they only carried veggie burgers!!
3. Takeout
Good luck finding something from the local pizzeria that you can eat. My fall back is a tomato pie. Mikes in delran actually has really good fried eggplant. So if you want something 'bad' for you, go for the Tomato pie w/ eggplant.

Please feel free to add your own!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

My life

Thank you Ivan for following me!!!

So 1 follower so far.. come on people!!!

I have a question for y'all.. what do you have when you have a chocolate/dessert craving?? I'm have a craving for dessert but I'm not trying to go completely off my diet. Usually I'll have some peanut butter on a rice cake, but that just isn't cutting it. I've heard of getting strawberries and drizzling chocolate over them. Any good recipes/ideas?

I was going to make a s'more last night but didn't, because I thought how I would have to tell my blog followers (um, follower) that I had a s'more after also having guacamole and 2 glasses of white wine! I really was going to go for 3 glasses of wine but I fell asleep towards the end of the second. We really live it up over here in Riverside.

So yesterday.. no exercise.. I take Fridays off. But still feeling pretty good. Slipped a little with the guacamole but it was awesome. Trader Joes sells these guacamole kits that have everything you need to make it. I highly reccomend it. Also, I think Brad ate most of it : p

Today I got a great sleep, curled up with Morgan, had some oatmeal and got in a good workout at the gym. Lunch was 2 slices of a tomato pie. And dinner was tuna steaks, baked brussel sprouts, and corn. I'm headed to shop rite to try to find a healthy dessert, and maybe some veggies for Saturday night snacking.

Happy weekend to you all (or, um, to you Ivan) :)

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Come along, and follow me

So I want to get some followers. I'm hoping I will get some vegetarian/vegan followers that can share restaurant experiences/recipes with. So put the word out there people! : P
Today was a pretty good day. I walked outside and noticed it was sunny and *almost* warm. Warm as in not 20 degrees for once this week! So I had a feeling, today could be a good day. And without too much to complain about, it was!
I really didn't feel like having to deal with the 'New Years Resolutions' Crowd at the gym so I decided to try another night of p90x. Let me tell you, after the 90 mins of yoga last night I felt GREAT. And I slept GREAT. And I felt like it even put me in a good mood for today! So I will definately be doing that again. Also, everything was sore today, but a good sore, a good nice workout sore. So that made it even more worth it.
Tonight I tried the kickboxing. It was about 55 minutes. It started off with some yoga then when right into the jabs, uppercuts, kicks and what not.. it was a little hard to keep up with.. and I'm sure I didn't have the form that they did, but it was fun. I pictured everyone I wanted to punch and went NUTS. Ideally I would like to have a nice place to work out, because as I'm doing this and jumping all around, I'm waiting for my bookcase next to me to come crashing down on me. Anyone have any good ideas for making my basement more cozy/inviting? Other than a yankee candle, I'm pretty much out of ideas!
Anyway the workout was good, I wasn't dripping in sweat, but I was definately using muscles in ways I don't usually use them.. and I could feel it really toning my arms.
No dairy or soy today and my stomach is feeling good!
I was proud of myself for getting off the couch and getting a workout because I really had a moment there where I thought I could just eat a bunch of chocolate and lay under a blanket and act like it never happened. haha.
Anyway I have to cut this post short because conan is coming on and his monologues have been awesome, really ripping it to NBC! You give them hell conan! Team coco!

Mood: tired
diet today: all natural (with the exception of 2 pieces of chocolate, shhh)
exercise: 55 mins of kickboxing
stomach: happy!
alcohol: none! (shocker, b/c I always have a glass of red wine thursday nights, oh well, after the workout it really wasn't needed!)

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

In the life of Lorian...

So I was thinking today I should start a blog on my life, and my new quest to live a better life. I've set many goals for 2010 so I'm hoping this is my year. I plan on writing about my diet- my life as a vegetarian/faux vegan, my exercise, and just the everday obstacles.
I think I could use this to see patterns in my own life, and a way to learn from others.

I'm going to cut this post short since it's 10:30 and I really should be getting to bed.

I feel proud that I accomplished not only my first trial at yoga tonight- but 90 mins of yoga! I highly suggest after a stressful day of work, destressing with yoga. I feel great, and energized (too bad its 10:30pm!)

mood: tired yet energized
stomach: not bothering me yay!
diet for today: usual- oatmeal, cereal bars, sushi, salad, soy grilled cheese & soup
exercise today: yoga
alcohol: none!