Thursday, January 14, 2010

Come along, and follow me

So I want to get some followers. I'm hoping I will get some vegetarian/vegan followers that can share restaurant experiences/recipes with. So put the word out there people! : P
Today was a pretty good day. I walked outside and noticed it was sunny and *almost* warm. Warm as in not 20 degrees for once this week! So I had a feeling, today could be a good day. And without too much to complain about, it was!
I really didn't feel like having to deal with the 'New Years Resolutions' Crowd at the gym so I decided to try another night of p90x. Let me tell you, after the 90 mins of yoga last night I felt GREAT. And I slept GREAT. And I felt like it even put me in a good mood for today! So I will definately be doing that again. Also, everything was sore today, but a good sore, a good nice workout sore. So that made it even more worth it.
Tonight I tried the kickboxing. It was about 55 minutes. It started off with some yoga then when right into the jabs, uppercuts, kicks and what not.. it was a little hard to keep up with.. and I'm sure I didn't have the form that they did, but it was fun. I pictured everyone I wanted to punch and went NUTS. Ideally I would like to have a nice place to work out, because as I'm doing this and jumping all around, I'm waiting for my bookcase next to me to come crashing down on me. Anyone have any good ideas for making my basement more cozy/inviting? Other than a yankee candle, I'm pretty much out of ideas!
Anyway the workout was good, I wasn't dripping in sweat, but I was definately using muscles in ways I don't usually use them.. and I could feel it really toning my arms.
No dairy or soy today and my stomach is feeling good!
I was proud of myself for getting off the couch and getting a workout because I really had a moment there where I thought I could just eat a bunch of chocolate and lay under a blanket and act like it never happened. haha.
Anyway I have to cut this post short because conan is coming on and his monologues have been awesome, really ripping it to NBC! You give them hell conan! Team coco!

Mood: tired
diet today: all natural (with the exception of 2 pieces of chocolate, shhh)
exercise: 55 mins of kickboxing
stomach: happy!
alcohol: none! (shocker, b/c I always have a glass of red wine thursday nights, oh well, after the workout it really wasn't needed!)

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