Saturday, January 30, 2010

I feel inspired!

So Just a quick post but I love how I'm inspiring people to eat better and work out! I know I'm a faux vegan (Still eat fish), but just the fact that people are actually changing their diets really makes me so proud! Even if you could just give up chicken, beef, greasy fast food.. every little step counts! And I've inspired others to try Jillian Michaels (The best workouts ever).. so I'm feeling great!
Just got done Jillian Michael's "No more Trouble zones", going to have some carrots and hummus, and then off for some much needed shopping with the boyfriend..
I'm still waiting for my body to turn around. I feel I haven't lost pounds since I went faux vegan, but I do just feel much better all over, and I feel my hair and skin look better also.. now if I could just lose the thighs!!!

Have a great weekend everyone!! :)

1 comment:

  1. hey, it's not about losing weight, it's about being healthy and feeling better!! We can do it!!
