Saturday, January 16, 2010

Thank you Ivan for following me!!!

So 1 follower so far.. come on people!!!

I have a question for y'all.. what do you have when you have a chocolate/dessert craving?? I'm have a craving for dessert but I'm not trying to go completely off my diet. Usually I'll have some peanut butter on a rice cake, but that just isn't cutting it. I've heard of getting strawberries and drizzling chocolate over them. Any good recipes/ideas?

I was going to make a s'more last night but didn't, because I thought how I would have to tell my blog followers (um, follower) that I had a s'more after also having guacamole and 2 glasses of white wine! I really was going to go for 3 glasses of wine but I fell asleep towards the end of the second. We really live it up over here in Riverside.

So yesterday.. no exercise.. I take Fridays off. But still feeling pretty good. Slipped a little with the guacamole but it was awesome. Trader Joes sells these guacamole kits that have everything you need to make it. I highly reccomend it. Also, I think Brad ate most of it : p

Today I got a great sleep, curled up with Morgan, had some oatmeal and got in a good workout at the gym. Lunch was 2 slices of a tomato pie. And dinner was tuna steaks, baked brussel sprouts, and corn. I'm headed to shop rite to try to find a healthy dessert, and maybe some veggies for Saturday night snacking.

Happy weekend to you all (or, um, to you Ivan) :)

1 comment:

  1. I am following! I am not on blogsplot so I'm not really "following" you, but I am checking in on all your posts :-)
    Check me out too at

