Friday, March 4, 2011

First week of 4hb

So, after my constant quest for skinny-ness, I am trying the 4 hour body diet. Today is day 5. Here is my recap so far, along with my thoughts/FEARS.

day 1- I "pigged out" this weekend knowing I was going to start a strict diet, so it was hard to get down my first meal. I was still full from my binge this weekend. The first day I noticed I had to remind myself to eat. First meal was scrambled eggs and beans, and turkey bacon. Second meal was a chipotle bowl. Third meal was a bowl of soup that I had to force down. And the forth meal was some chicken and veggies.

day 2-5 were tough. I don't know if its the pressure at work, or just a week of hormones, but I've been hungry! Snacking on almonds between meals and SCARFING down my meals at the 4 hour mark. The other hard part, is relying on eating w/ my coworkers at lunch. If it gets pushed back an hour, that means my dinner is being pushed back. So far as late as 10 and 11 this week! One thing I have noticed is how much and how often I'm used to eating!

This was my pre 4hb diet.. no lie!

breakfast: oatmeal and rasins
about 2 hours later: nutrigrain or protein bar
lunch: lean cusine & a bag of baked chips
snack: 100 calorie cookies or protein bar
snack when I got home while making dinner- something random
dinner-- usually eggs and toast or peanut butter and jelly or sometimes both.
what this adds up = a bunch of crap!!!

What I've been eating now:
breakfast: scrambled eggs and egg whites, black beans, spinach, tomatoes, and turkey bacon or sausage
lunch: chiptole bowl, or my own bowl: chicken, lettuce, beans, tomatos, peppers
2nd lunch: chicken "no tortilla" soup
dinner: either some more eggs scrambled or some more soup plus some baked veggies

So far, I feel ok. Again like I said this week has been rough since I've put a lot of pressure on myself. I noticed I need to drink more water. I also think I maybe should even increase my first or second meal because I've been hungry.

From Monday to Friday morning I've lost 4 lbs!!! That should be motivation in enough to keep going. However, here are my fears... I did Atkins before, a pretty similar diet.. I was losing 5 lbs a week. I was constantly hungry, and even cried when I just wanted chocolate! I lost 30 lbs, and felt fabulous! But then I slowly added carbs back, and gained all the weight back!! I feel like I'm missing my "go to's" of 100 calorie packs, nutrigrain bars, and protein bars.. and wonder if I'll be able to resist. I don't want to lose this weight to gain it back.

... I guess.. I'm just... nervous....


  1. You are doing great! Take it one day at a time. Maybe think about mixing in some sort of exercise activity which will take the pressure off yourself. Your losing about a lb per day... Awesome! Don't let your head beat you! :)

  2. Thank you! I actually have been running too.. which makes me even more hungry!!!

    Thanks so much

  3. Nice looking background here, love it! Interesting about eating every 4 hours - I haven't been paying attention to that at all. I wonder if it makes a big difference? I think what I'll focus on next week is lemon water in the morning.

  4. Funny - I lost 4 lbs in my first week, too! But since then I've stalled (at least I haven't gained anything from my cheat days, though). 4 lbs the first week is starting to sound average, based on what I hear other women losing.
