Thursday, March 17, 2011

4HB Week 3

I'm on my third week of 4hb but I thought I would treat it like my first week. My first and second week were full of 4hb diet disasters: hormones like crazy, bloating, too many almonds, not eating until atleast 2 hrs after I woke up, and not drinking enough water.

I was disappointed when I stepped on the scale this morning, after doing everything I thought was right this week, I didn't show a huge improvement. I'm still stuck at my original 4 lb loss (from week 1!). After a little bit of a freak out, and thinking I'm done with the diet, here are the things I think I'm *still* doing wrong... Please comment if you have advice!

1. Still not drinking enough water.
2. Eating TOO much. I really stuff myself at each meal. I've never liked the feeling of being hungry.
Sample meals:
-1 egg + 3 egg whites
-3 scoops spinach
-3 scoops of a mixture of rotel and black beans
-3 pcs of turkey bacon
-either an entire chipotle bowl (beans, chicken, lettuce, salsa, guac)
-1/2 lb of ground chicken plus black beans, rotel, lettuce
2nd Lunch:
- mug or mug and a half of chicken and bean soup
-Either a repeat of breakfast or a salad, minus the beans
3. cheating too much on cheat day.
-I've never really eaten badly, just again probably ate too much. I have this need to stuff my face till I feel like like I'm going to puke on cheat day. Most likely this isn't needed. This week I'm going to try to make smart choices, and not just have a free for all. Maybe limit to 1 dessert?? I feel like if it's too good to be true, it probably is!
4. Haven't done cheat day right
-I wasn't drinking enough water on cheat day, or doing the jump squats. This I will try this week.

So, I'm going to give it a few more weeks. I read on another post someone tried doing a cheat day every other week and noticed instant results. I just can't believe with all the changes I have made I'm not dropping weight like crazy (no chocolate!!).

Anyway wish me luck.. and Thanks for the support! Open for all suggestions!!


  1. How strange. Your first paragraph is EXACTLY what I went through on my first three weeks! And then sometime between 4-5th week, I totally fell off the 4HB wagon, so this week I've been on it again. Afraid to weigh in, because I fear there still won't be any further change from my initial 4-5 lbs lost.

  2. I should say, your first two paragraphs....

    It can't hurt to drink even more water... water is the solution to a lot of health problems, I think. I need to remember more water, too. I also wonder about the right way to do cheat day. I'm a bit skeptical of the idea of eating whatever we want or stuffing ourselves... for some ppl it might make it harder to get back on the diet the next day. I like my 2 moderated cheatdays in a row, but haven't tried long enough to see how it affects weight loss.
